Pierre Bourdieu’s Sociology of Art
According to Pierre Bourdieu, we cannot understand what makes an artwork or its creator unique by examining them in isolation. Using the concept of the field, Bourdieu approaches the artistic universe as a semi-autonomous space with its own rules and problems. This seminar/talk will center on this theory, which evaluates artworks within the historical and social conditions that make them unique, drawing on works such as The Love of Art, Distinction, and The Rules of Art.
Nazlı Ökten
Nazlı Ökten graduated from the Sociology Department of Boğaziçi University in 1992. After completing her master’s studies at Paris-1 Sorbonne University, she returned to Turkey to work as a research assistant in the Political Science Department at the newly established Galatasaray University, a collaboration between the French and Turkish governments.
In 2000, she participated in the founding efforts of the university’s Sociology Department, where she continues to serve as a faculty member. Ökten is a member of the editorial boards of Cogito and Strata magazines. Between 1992 and 2002, she co-published Hayalet Gemi magazine with her colleagues, produced several programs for Açık Radyo, and served as a consultant for documentaries such as Bilincin Haritası, Kültürlerde Kurban, and Yedi-Veren Düşleri, which aired on TRT 2 during the same period.
In recent years, her work has focused on the sociology of art, continuing through curatorial projects like Göz Göre Göre (Fatih Pınar/Karşı Sanat) and Vital Connections (Ayda Pekin/Barcelona Mayna Club) as well as theater criticism.
In addition to her numerous articles and essays published in books and journals, Ökten has translated key social science works, including Race, Nation, Class, The Anthropology of the State, Outline of a Theory of Practice, Mind and Body, Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, and Homo Academicus. Her non-academic work can be accessed at kadinbedensahnedunya.wordpress.com.
Sunday: 12.00—18.00
Monday: Closed