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This seminar will examine Gilles Deleuze’s text What is the Act of Creation? from the perspective of image and concept creation. In this text, Deleuze primarily discusses the creation of ideas across different fields such as cinema, painting, and philosophy. According to Deleuze, the idea that accompanies creation cannot be understood as a “general idea”; instead, it is intrinsically linked to its modes of expression. An idea, whether it emerges through painting, film, or writing, is not fully formed until it is involved in the process of creation. This implies that the formation of images and the creation of concepts are dynamic processes that develop through the act of making. Emre Sünter will explore the emergence of ideas branching into images and concepts as a process, delving into the formation of the “groundless ground” from which everything originates.

Emre Sünter holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Galatasaray University and a master’s degree in Philosophy from Paris Nanterre University. He completed his PhD in Communication Studies at the University of Montreal, focusing on the relationship between biology and art in his doctoral thesis. He has translated works by Tarde, Simondon, and Massumi, as well as A Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari, into Turkish. Dr. Sünter’s research explores the complex relationships between nature, culture, and technology. He currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Visual Communication Design at Kadir Has University.

Themes of Creation in Deleuze: Image and Concept